
Vidi Labs is an early-stage AI startup that aims to revolutionise how to interact with our hardware and software daily. Our young and passionate team wants to decentralise and streamline your journey, so that you can be the best version of yourself with our intuitively designed products.

Our Expertise

We specialize in delivery cutting edge tech solutions to business looking to grow. Our tech stack is diverse and our team is capable in delivering solutions catering to your need. Below are some of the tech stack that our team has delivered in the past

Front-End :

  • Flutter, cross-platform app development
  • Dart, fast-apps development language
  • Ionic, web & app development framework
  • React & Angular JS, web development language

Back-end :

  • Node JS, cross-platform web back-end Javascript Environment
  • MySQL, relational database system

Machine Learning and Deep Learning

  • Automated detection and classification using AI algorithms
  • Text to Speech and Speech to Text using NLP algorithms

Firebase & GCP, cloud back-end system